This model represents different skills contributing to collaborative design experiences.
Here is some detail for each skill :
Collective intelligence orchestration
Group dynamics.
Social / emotional intelligence
Guiding sponsors through identification and qualification of issues.
Guiding communities, teams and groups through problem-solving sessions
Managing the rhythm, pace and focus of collaborative engagements.
Coaching & Pedagogy
Fostering listening and decision making abilities at the service of individual or distributed leadership.
Transfer and acquisition of collaborative skills, know-how and insights through experience based accelerated learning
P2P and flip classroom pedagogy
Cultural transformation
Individual and collective development programs
Designing, building and running collaborative workspaces (modular, ergonomic, flexible).
The workspace can be permanent or ephemeral and it integrates robust advanced technologies. It displays rich content to foster emergence and debate.
Publishing & Communication
Design & production of custom-made deliverables and roll-out tools.
Capture, work synthesis and prototyping
Communication documents
Graphic design
Visual identity and logos
Process & Systems
Design and management of pathways, processes and tools for complex projects
Optimisation of interactions between key stakeholders
Staffing & resource management
Meaningful display of key information
Logistical specifications
Connecting knowledge
Identification of various sources, references, external speakers to enrich the thought process and enlarge the project’s Body of Knowledge.
Cross fertilisation
Knowledge management and capture: production and prioritisation of inputs and outputs, creation of ergonomic data management systems
People connection across a variety of networks (internal, per industry, per expertise, etc.)
Creation of a common language (terms of art, glossaries, etc.)
Content research : project specific or parallel thinking and metaphorical material to broaden perspectives.
Multimedia & Digital
Design, aggregation and set-up of technologies that foster collaboration and enable remote collaboration between teams, communities and networks (sometimes on multi-location projects)
Digital platforms, social media…
Multimedia material, dynamic displays, visual management
Digital content interactions
Visualisation & Modelling
Anchorage of a concept, a situation or a piece of data through a structured and potentially metaphorical visual representation.
Real time graphical capture of a conversation (scribing)
Structured data visualisation (modelling and mapping)
Signage and flow management (Navigation)
Credit for this model goes to :
Guenola Rasa, Sébastien Rocq, Philippe Coullomb, Viviana Gozzi, Laure Villemaine, Greg Serikoff…
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